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Selectmen's Minutes - May 26, 1992
May 26, 1992            Present:  James R. Haggerty, Chairman
                                                Judith M. Murdoch
                                                Robert H. Crowley
                                                Robert H. Andrews
                                                Joseph Frisoli

Chairman opened meeting by reading announcements.  He announced the Business Assoc. breakfast meeting being held Wednesday, May 27 and asked if there were any members wishing to attend.  Also read a letter on behalf of Chase committee introducing DARE on June 10, 7:30 at Indian Head School.  

He also read letter from So. Shore Housing Development Corp. concerning agency for rehab program.  Pointed out they were accepted by Town last year.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, 5-0 vote to accept and send a letter to So. Shore Housing Corp. supporting their request.  

Read letter from Sergeant Russell King thanking the Exec. Sec., Town Accountant and Treasurer/Collector for assisting him in his tenure as acting chief.  Mr. Crowley, moved, 2nd Murdoch, to accept the letter from Sergeant King and have it placed in the folder of the individuals being recognized.

Read letter of update on Rte. 58 from Richard Harris explaining the staking and asking people to please leave alone.  If any questions please contact the Highway Surveyor.

The Board took up first issue, hiring practices.  Noted that meeting attended by several union organizations, Police, highway, clerical, wage and personnel and a number of elected boards and officials.  It was explained that the Board of Selectmen were going to have the Exec. Sec. submit an interview process and also a vacation policy as well as some type of hiring letter which will involve the particular department heads in the hiring of employees.  There were comments made by the Chair re hiring practices and explaining the issues the board and exec. sec. have to deal with in posting positions and contracts which allow for bumping in union positions, etc.  Mr. Emerson stated he felt the Boards should have the ability to interview prospective applications, Mr. Danner stated the Assessors should have the right to be notified of the interviews of prospective applications.  The Exec. Sec. stated that in the past, dept. heads have been involved in the hiring process and he has no problem with that, as in most cases they know the particulars of the job functions.  However, the union contracts in some cases dictate different terms and conditions of hiring as does Wage and personnel bylaws.  In a lot of situations where positions have been posted within, it has been the practice to hire from within where possible.  Again if it appears to be one qualified applicant, generally that applicant is given the job.  In the future, every effort will be made to allow the various dept. heads the courtesy of interviewing and meeting prospective job applicants.  Mr.. Emerson stated that he felt that the job needed to be redefined and that the Assessors had no part in establishing the job description.  Mr. Haggerty informed Mr. Emerson that the Board of Selectmen has never received any correspondence the there should be a change and if in fact that happens they would be more than happy to negotiate changes with the union.  Mrs. McCormack stated that Mr. Emerson should be aware that when the MMA study was completed of all clerical positions, the dept. heads helped create the job descriptions as well as review them and signed off on all the jobs, that included the Assessors office on both positions.  It was agreed that exec. sec. would establish an interview process and a vacation policy and present to the board the week of June 9.  

Board voted on motion by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, to allow Elena's Restaurant to pledge the liquor license, subject to approval by Town Counsel.  Board felt it was not their right to allow or disallow the pledge of stock.

Alan Dias met with the Board and the record should reflect that Robert Andrews left the Selectmen's table.  Mr. Dias is alleging that there are still zoning bylaw violations in the operation of the sawmill on the corner of Snow St. and Monponsett St.  Mr. Haggerty stated that the Board understood that the saw was portable and moved to Pembroke and was not aware that it had been brought back.  He stated the Board will investigate by having the Building Inspector and the Exec. Sec. view the property and file a report on June 9.  Mr. Andrews returned to the table.  

The Board agreed to hold the minutes until the next meeting.

Mr. Haggerty read letter of commendation to Sergeant Russell King on behalf of the Board for his performance while serving as the Acting Police Chief.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli to send a letter to Mr. King and have it placed in his personnel folder.  5-0 vote.

Office requested to send note to Fire and Police Chiefs for brief written explanation on overtime for the past week.  Would also like the Chiefs made aware that during the course of any week for the remainder of the fiscal year if they feel the overtime is getting excessively high, would they please contact the office.

Mr. Nugent discussed with the Board his meeting at the Regional High School with the Superintendent, High School Attorney, and the Chairman of the Whitman Selectmen.  Explained that the original lease submitted by the High School to the Selectmen as amended with the changes by our Town Counsel was reviewed point by point. Other than some minor changes re various issues all, of which dealt with mutual agreement between Town or Board, rather than control by either one, and some "legalese" the lease will be prepared and sent back the Town for final review.  The Exec. Sec. explained that it was not clear whether or not the addendum re the shelter would at this point become part of the lease or stay as an addendum to the lease and he would wait for the draft.  

Exec. Sec. announced that the memo sent to Thomas Hall Memorial Park Committee changing our representative from Warren Ellis to Bob Andrews.  

Explained that he had investigated the site at Cranland Airport and had conversation with Mr. Comeau re the gravel operation.  Mr. Comeau has agreed to apply for a gravel permit and will have the company engineer draft the appropriate mapping information.  Mr. Haggerty brought up the issue of past taxes and liens etc.   Exec. Sec. agreed Mr. Comeau should be informed.  Mr. Andrews brought up the issue of another area stripped out over the past several months or years and had some concerns whether or not the work had encroached on Town Property known as Mill St.  The Chairman suggested that he contact the Highway Surveyor and investigate that part of it.   

Mr. Andrews moved to adjourn, 2nd Crowley, 5-0 vote.  9:00 p.m.

Robert Andrews, Clerk